Okay final blog post for a while. Tomorrow I am off to Gaborone, Botswana to tour with a theater company who is doing street theater to combat negative stereotyping and discrimination in Botswana as part of my work for Minority Rights Group International (a wonderful London-based international NGO: http://www.minorityrights.org/).
Before I go, I must do a bit of Ninja Zombies promotion. As some of you may know, I acted in a film this summer called Ninja Zombies directed by Noah Cooper and produced by Mike Castro. It's in the final stages of production and a test screening is going down on March 26! Get the details here: http://www.ninj azombiesfilm.co m/?p=760. And, if you can't make it, don't be too sad. We are trying to figure out creative ways to get the film to those who are not in the CT area. In fact, if you know of any film festivals close to you, let me know and we will try to submit NZ so we can be showing at a theater near you! If you are still not able to see the film, hopefully you will be able to catch it after we get a sweet distribution deal (cross your fingers :)).
Oh, and I'll give a box of milk duds to the first five people to spot the zombie played by my mom, Beth Eldridge.
Before I go, I must do a bit of Ninja Zombies promotion. As some of you may know, I acted in a film this summer called Ninja Zombies directed by Noah Cooper and produced by Mike Castro. It's in the final stages of production and a test screening is going down on March 26! Get the details here: http://www.ninj
Oh, and I'll give a box of milk duds to the first five people to spot the zombie played by my mom, Beth Eldridge.
Moment of the Mundane
Today I spent a good 30 minutes in a KTM traffic jam listening to my cab driver hock literally 16 loogies. We could have saved like ten minutes if he had been more focused on driving than hocking.