Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Poop Check In

To all my adoring fans, sorry for the interweb silence these last few weeks. Things have been a bit hectic…haha, when are they not?

To start off with, a meditation on poop:

Last week, coming back on a three-four hour bus ride with some mild but seriously inconvenient bowl issues, I had a discussion with a complete stranger about the mucus content of my poop – he is a doctor in training, so that (maybe) gives you some context.

That being said I also had another discussion with a complete stranger about pooping ourselves after about 30 minutes of the usual get to know you chit chat.

I guess what I’m saying is your bowel movements do become part of the ‘usual chit chat’ in Nepal, and it’s something I sorta love. Traveler’s diarrhea as they like to call it can seriously mess with one’s sense of control. But, once you make it through (often multiple bouts) it becomes a ‘right of passage’ in a sense.

One of the co-leaders from the fourth annual YNepal trip this year commented that last year she had greatly appreciated my graphic recounts of my bowels in various states of urgency and liquidity, as they helped her become more comfortable sharing her ‘activities.’ I was quite touched.

To wrap up, as you may know, I am not a religious person. But the only time I pray is when I am on the toilet.